Earlier this year, OhioMHAS convened a 340 Review Stakeholder Workgroup to review Ohio Revised Code Chapter 340 which regards Ohio ADAMH Boards. The Workgroup has been reviewing and identifying code sections, defining specific challenges, and exploring recommended solutions.
As a new phase of the 340 review process, OhioMHAS is now convening in-person and virtual listening sessions to allow for local input and perspective on issues the 340 Workgroup has been considering.
Anyone interested in participating in-person or virtual, must RSVP to 340ReviewWorkgroup@mha.ohio.gov no later than one week in advance of the meeting date. RSVPs should include full name, organization (if applicable), and county of residence. Please also indicate if any special accommodation is needed. The meetings are open to the public, and a public comment period will be a part of each of these sessions. The dates and times of these meetings are below:
In-Person Sessions have been organized regionally by OhioMHAS Regional Psychiatric Hospital catchment areas and there are four left:
Northeast Ohio: Thursday, Oct. 13, (2-4 p.m., Akron-Summit County Public Library, 60 S. High St, Akron). RSVP by Oct. 6.
Appalachia/Southeast Ohio: Thursday, Oct. 27, (location to be confirmed). RSVP by Oct. 20.
Southwest Ohio: Monday, Nov. 7, (2-4 p.m. Warren County Educational Service Center, 1879 Deerfield Rd. Lebanon). RSVP by Oct. 31.
Northwest Ohio: Monday, Nov. 14, (2-4 p.m., Wood County Educational Service Center, 1867 Research Drive, Bowling Green). RSVP by Nov. 7.
Virtual Sessions
To receive a link to these sessions, please register by sending an email to 340ReviewWorkgroup@mha.ohio.gov no later than one week in advance of the meeting date.
Monday, Oct. 24, 6-8 p.m. RSVP by Oct. 17.
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 6-8 p.m. Please note this session is reserved specifically for peers and organizations run by peers. RSVP by Oct. 25.
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-12 noon. RSVP by Nov. 2.
