The Ohio Department of Medicaid has recently shared the following updates to several of its manuals:
The Ohio Department of Medicaid posted an updated Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Manual HERE. Updates include the addition of new Medicaid services effective July 1, 2022, and updated resource guides.
Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)
CANS is comprised of one new billing code, H2000. The CANS is a support tool in the clinical decision-making process to determine eligibility into OhioRISE and level of care and service planning. Qualified CANS assessors must obtain the Ohio Children’s Initiative CANS Assessor Certification and request the “ORC” specialty be added to their individual practitioner Medicaid enrollment. More information about CANS assessor certification can be found HERE. Billing requirements and payment rates can be found in Table 2-12 in the BH Provider Manual and also in the OhioRISE Provider Enrollment and Billing Guide mentioned below.
Mobile Response and Stabilization Service (MRSS)
MRSS is comprised of three distinct billing codes:
S9485 – Crisis Mobile Response
S9484 – Crisis Mobile Response Follow-up
S9482 – Stabilization Service
Provider agencies must be certified by OhioMHAS to render MRSS, and they must also request that the “ORM” specialty be added to their agency’s Medicaid enrollment file to bill Ohio Medicaid. Providers should refer to 5160-27-13 and the OhioMHAS MRSS practice standards for more details regarding MRSS activities and team member qualifications. Billing requirements and payment rates can be found in Tables 2-13, 2-14, and 2-15 in the BH provider manual.
Other Updated Resources on BH.Medicaid.Ohio.Gov:
The following documents have been updated:
Provider Enrollment and Billing Guidance Issued for OhioRISE
In preparation for the launch of OhioRISE on July 1, 2022, the Ohio Department of Medicaid has developed an OhioRISE Provider Enrollment and Billing Guide. The OhioRISE program covers a range of behavioral health services for youth that are comprised of existing, enhanced, and new behavioral health and care coordination services. This guide is intended to share policies related to billing for the new and enhanced OhioRISE services. Existing behavioral health services will be covered in accordance with the OhioRISE Mixed Services Protocol and will be billed consistent with the billing policies outlined in the appropriate provider type billing guidelines. This guidance can be found HERE on the OhioRISE website.
