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ODM Press Provides Update on OhioRISE

From the Ohio Department of Medicaid:

"The OhioRISE team has been engaging with key stakeholders to optimize program development. This integral work involves local partners from multiple child-serving systems across Ohio. To work in partnership with stakeholders, ODM organized an OhioRISE Advisory Council with Workgroups to support the development of the new and enhanced services to meet children and youth's needs across multiple systems. Each brings a different perspective to serve this population.

The purpose of the OhioRISE Advisory Council and Workgroups is to offer specific advice, expert opinions and suggestions to directors and staff regarding the OhioRISE program; provide clinical and programmatic input on key components of new and enhanced services; review rule development and changes; and provide critical technical feedback regarding initial implementation activities and OhioRISE operations.

Nearly 130 Advisory Council and Workgroup members participate in OhioRISE discussions. These individuals represent behavioral health, people with lived experience, child welfare, developmental disabilities, juvenile justice, and more. In collaboration, the stakeholder meetings include Aetna Better Health of Ohio (the OhioRISE Managed Care Organization), the new Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Center of Excellence, and the state health and human service agencies. Since January, stakeholders have held 20 meetings to learn about OhioRISE and share experiences, expert advice, and make recommendations to support efforts to ensure OhioRISE best serves children and families.

The Advisory Council meets monthly and the following are ongoing OhioRISE Workgroups:

  • Mobile Response and Stabilization (MRSS) Workgroup: Providing experience on current MRSS programs across the state and offering feedback to improve the service.

  • Intensive Home-Based Treatment (IHBT) Workgroup: Sharing insights on workforce and team structures to enhance the service.

  • Ohio Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment and Care Coordination Workgroup: Reviewing proposed Ohio CANS assessment tool, care coordination services, and eligibility and enrollment.

  • Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) Workgroup: Developing PRTFs in Ohio as a new kind of residential treatment service providing high-quality inpatient-level behavioral health care.

We are all a part of a team working to build OhioRISE, including stakeholders. It is essential to connect with those it will impact, providers of the new and enhances services, and local communities that engage with multi-system youth to be ready to implement and operationalize OhioRISE in January 2022.

If you are interested in attending an upcoming stakeholder meeting or want to learn more about stakeholder engagement opportunities, please reach out to Kelly Smith on the OhioRISE team at

You can find the members selected to be in the Advisory Council here and the presentation for the kickoff OhioRISE Stakeholder meeting on December 18, 2020 here.

Stay tuned for more information about OhioRISE in future editions of The ODM 2022 Press and visit the OhioRISE page on for updates and additional information."


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