In 2020, Ohio House Bill 8, (HB 8) which authorized the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) to re-design foster parent training curriculum and hour requirements, became law.
Since then, ODJFS has been drafting administrative code language to implement these changes and on November 2, OAC rules 5101:2-5-33 and 5101:2-5-38 were final filed with the state.
OAC 5101:2-5-33: Foster Caregiver Preplacement and Continuing Training provides guidance on the training requirements of a foster caregiver. Changes in this rule will:

Lower the pre-service training hour requirement to 24 hours.
Lower the ongoing family foster parent training requirement to 30 hours
Lower the ongoing treatment foster parent training requirement to 45 hours.
Continue to mandate 18 pre-service training topics, although they have been altered.
Mandate 11 training topics in the first certification period, which is called “Resource Readiness”.
Allow for 100% of training to be completed via live-synchronous training.
Allow for training outside of the classroom to count as one-half of all required continuing training hours.
OAC 5101:2-5-38: Payment of foster caregiver training stipends; reimbursement of training allowances to recommending agencies provides guidance to agencies on agency payment and reimbursement for foster caregiver stipends and training allowances. Changes in this rule will:
Lower the reimbursement of pre-service training to 24 hours.
Lower the reimbursement of ongoing family foster parent training to 30 hours
Lower the reimbursement of ongoing treatment foster parent training to 45 hours.
Increase training stipends to $15 for families and reimbursement for agencies to $20.
All of these changes will take effect beginning in January, 2023. How do you feel about these changes? Is your agency prepared for January? Contact with any questions or feedback.