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Mark Your Calendars for "Pathways to Community Plans of Safe Care Event" with Governor DeWine

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

As you know, Governor DeWine has made Ohio’s children and families a top priority in his administration. One of his objectives is to improve communication and coordination across all state agencies that provide services to Ohio’s children.

In order to continue this work, the Governor’s Children’s Initiative and the Ohio Departments of Job and Family Services, Health, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Developmental Disabilities, and Medicaid are hosting “Pathways to Community Plans of Safe Care”.

The event will highlight how agencies are building infrastructures that can efficiently support children and families, including a community commitment of plans of safe care for infants.

The live Teams event will take place on Monday, June 7, from 10:00am-11:30am. You can join this kick-off event focused on cross-agency collaboration by clicking on this Microsoft Teams link.


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