Recently-signed House Bill 110, the state operating budget for SFY ’22-’23, contains a provision that would expand the pandemic foster home certification extension until December 31, 2021.
ODJFS has determined that since HB 404 covered homes expiring on or before 04/01/21 and HB 110 will not be effective in law until 09/29/21, homes that expire between 04/02/21-09/29/21 are not covered by either HB 404 or HB 110. They also shared a chart to demonstrate the certification timelines.
Policy and Practice Guidance Document #010 provides an overview of the statutory changes in HB 110 that will have an impact upon Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules to be amended or developed, or practice changes not associated with rule changes. Additionally, ODJFS released a Foster Caregiver Certification Extension procedure letter, FCASPL No. 373 HB 110, which was issued on Friday, July 16th, 2021.
The chart below highlights the changes ODJFS is making as a result of HB 110: