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Children's Bureau Affirms its Commitment to Equity

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

Associate Commissioner Aysha E. Schomburg issued a letter to child welfare leaders outlining how the federal government as a whole, and the Children’s Bureau specifically, is committed to advancing equity through work at the federal level and with states, territories, tribes, and all other grantees.

"Being committed to equity means that we must be willing to have difficult conversations. We must also be willing to examine whether and how existing policies and practices have had disparate, and sometimes harmful, impacts on historically underserved and marginalized people." the director said.

"This work requires honesty, openness, and a willingness to make changes."

She went on further to note that as a part of their commitment to equity, they will begin to encourage and support SCF grantees to do the same. Read the letter here.


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